MQTT Quality of Service (QoS)

What is MQTT Quality of Service (QOS)?

Quality of Service (Qos) is the level of guarantee of delivery of the message between the sender and receiver. MQTT has 2 levels of QoS,

  • QoS value is 0 – At most once
  • QoS value of 1 – At least once
  • QoS value of 2 – Exactly once

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QoS 0 – at most once

QoS 0 is the best-effort delivery, the delivery of the message is not guaranteed. When a MQTT client publishes with QoS 1, the MQTT broker does not acknowledge the receipt, QoS level 0 is sometimes called “fire and forget”.

MQTT Server log – QoS 0

Note that MQTT broker does not acknowledge the message from the MQTT client

1557599698: Received PUBLISH from 5496 (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘SensorReadings’, … (19 bytes))
1557599700: Received PUBLISH from 5496 (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘SensorReadings’, … (19 bytes))
1557599702: Received PUBLISH from 5496 (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘SensorReadings’, … (19 bytes))

QoS 1 – at least once

When the MQTT publishes the message with QoS1, the MQTT broker will acknowledge the message with PUBACK . The MQTT client will store the message until it received the PUBACK from the broker. The MQTT client may deliver the message multiple times until it receives the acknowledgement from the broker.

MQTT Server log – QoS 1

When MQTT client publishes with QoS1 , the MQTT broker with respond with the PUBACK message.

1557600593: Received PUBLISH from 1500 (d0, q1, r0, m1, ‘SensorReadings’, … (19 bytes))
1557600593: Sending PUBACK to 1500 (m1, rc0)
1557600595: Received PUBLISH from 1500 (d0, q1, r0, m2, ‘SensorReadings’, … (19 bytes))
1557600595: Sending PUBACK to 1500 (m2, rc0)

QoS 2 – exactly once

QoS 2 has the highest level of service in MQTT but it is also the slowest method to send the message.

MQTT Server log – QoS 2

MQTT server log shows that the MQTT broker received the PUBLISH message from the MQTT client. It acknowledges that message by sending PUBREC response. Then the MQTT client sends PUBREL from the client to which the broker responds with PUBCOMP. So a single messages requires multiple flows between the client and the broker, that is reason QoS 2 is slower than QoS 0 and QoS 1.

1557618048: Received PUBLISH from 2481 (d0, q2, r0, m1, ‘SensorReadings’, … (19 bytes))
1557618048: Sending PUBREC to 2481 (m1, rc0)
1557618048: Received PUBREL from 2481 (Mid: 1)
1557618048: Sending PUBCOMP to 2481 (m1)

Keywords: Module , M2M , GPRS , 3G , through AT commands,