Carrier Teletalk
Mobile Country Code (MCC)470
Mobile Network Code (MNC)04
Frequency bands
GPRS/EDGE1800/900 MHz
WCDMAB1 (2100),
CertificationsCE, GCF
Applicable ModulesGPRS Modules ,EDGE Modules
M2M Developer SupportYes
M2M Service PlatformN/A

Teletalk is based in Bangladesh and provides M2M services on EDGE,GPRS,GSM technologies.Teletalk M2M developer support information is also available at the website.M2M service platform is available through N/A. M2M vertical markets focus for this carrier are Asset Management ,Fleet Tracking ,Remote Monitoring ,Mobile Payment. M2M data plans are available in Teletalk website.

[1] - Subscriber number as of 2012.Please check the carrier website for up-to-date information

Keywords: Teletalk M2M data plan, certification, pricing, Teletalk machine to machine, Teletalk M2M SIM ,Teletalk M2M platform ,Teletalk M2M API