Try the below script in the AT Command Tester tool
//Script: at+caopen //AT+CAOPEN command is used to open tcp/udp connection in Simcom SIM70XX modules //Check SIMCOM Module AT Command documentaiton //Get the support for the commands AT+CAOPEN=? //Wait WAIT=1 //Get the current TCP configuration AT+CAOPEN? //Wait WAIT=1 //Activate the network AT+CNACT=0,1 //Wait WAIT=10 //Open TCP connection //CID, PDP Index, connection type, server address, port AT+CAOPEN=0,0,"TCP","postman-echo.com",80 //Wait WAIT=5 //Close the connection AT+CACLOSE=0 //Wait WAIT=5 //Open UDP connection //CID, PDP Index, connection type, server address, port AT+CAOPEN=0,0,"UDP","postman-echo.com",80 //Wait WAIT=5 //Close the connection AT+CACLOSE=0
Output of the above script in the AT Command Tester tool
AT+CAOPEN=? +CAOPEN: (0-12),(0-4),("TCP","UDP"),64,(1-65535) OK AT+CAOPEN? OK AT+CNACT=0,1 ERROR AT+CAOPEN=0,0,"TCP","postman-echo.com",80 +CAOPEN: 0,0 OK AT+CACLOSE=0 TCP connection is closed by remote server OK AT+CAOPEN=0,0,"UDP","postman-echo.com",80 +CAOPEN: 0,0 OK AT+CACLOSE=0 TCP connection is closed by remote server OK