Carrier Movistar El Salvador
Mobile Country Code (MCC)706
Mobile Network Code (MNC)04
CountryEl Salvador
Frequency bands
GPRS/EDGE1900/850 MHz
WCDMAB2 (1900 PCS),B5 (850)
LTEB2 (1900 PCS)
Applicable ModulesGPRS Modules ,EDGE Modules ,UMTS Modules ,HSDPA 3.6 Modules
M2M Developer SupportYes
M2M Service PlatformJasper Wireless
Regulatory Agency          SIGET

Movistar El Salvador is based in El Salvador and provides M2M services on HSDPA,UMTS,EDGE,GPRS,GSM technologies.Movistar El Salvador M2M developer support information is also available at the website.M2M service platform is available through Jasper Wireless. M2M vertical markets focus for this carrier are Asset Management ,Telematics ,Telehealth ,Digital Signage ,Fleet Tracking ,Remote Monitoring ,Mobile Payment. M2M data plans are available in Movistar El Salvador website.

Movistar brand is owned by Telefonica. Movistar's M2M service platform is powered by Jasper Wireless. Some of the value proposition with Telefonica's M2M solutions are global coverage covering Europe and Latin America, M2M dedicated netwrok, VPNs, Global SIM and flexible M2M pricing structure.

[1] - Subscriber number as of 2012.Please check the carrier website for up-to-date information

Keywords: Movistar El Salvador M2M data plan, certification, pricing, Movistar El Salvador machine to machine, Movistar El Salvador M2M SIM ,Movistar El Salvador M2M platform ,Movistar El Salvador M2M API