Update device registry in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using IoT Cloud Tester

Device registries in the Google Cloud can be updated using the IoT Cloud Tester  application.

To update a device registry in Google Cloud project,

  • Get the list of device registries in the 'Device Registries' tab.
  • Select a registry and press 'Edit Registry'
  • Following fields can be updated in the device registry,
    • Protocol used by the devices - MQTT or HTTP or both
    • Logging level - Disabled/Error/Info/Debug
    • Default topic
    • Device State topic (optional)
    • Additional topic(s) (optional)

In the below example, the protocol, Logging and Additional topic fields are updated for the device registry.

To update a device registry request in GCP, a post request is made to the below URL with the update mask

Request sent to GCP to updatedevice registry.



"eventNotificationConfigs" : [ {

"pubsubTopicName" : "projects/iot-cloud-tutorial/topics/temperature"

} ],

"httpConfig" : {

"httpEnabledState" : "HTTP_DISABLED"


"logLevel" : "ERROR",

"mqttConfig" : {

"mqttEnabledState" : "MQTT_ENABLED"




"eventNotificationConfigs" : [ {

"pubsubTopicName" : "projects/iot-cloud-tutorial/topics/temperature"

} ],

"httpConfig" : {

"httpEnabledState" : "HTTP_DISABLED"


"id" : "reg_193129",

"logLevel" : "ERROR",

"mqttConfig" : {

"mqttEnabledState" : "MQTT_ENABLED"


"name" : "projects/iot-cloud-tutorial/locations/asia-east1/registries/reg_193129",

"stateNotificationConfig" : { }



The updated registry can be viewed in the Google Cloud console.


Before the device registry update,

After the device registry update,
