Carrier Koz Cote d'lvoire
Mobile Country Code (MCC)612
Mobile Network Code (MNC)
CountryCote d'lvoire
Frequency bands
GPRS/EDGE1800/900 MHz
Applicable ModulesGPRS Modules
M2M Developer SupportYes
M2M Service PlatformOrange Business services

Koz Cote d'lvoire is based in Cote d'lvoire and provides M2M services on GPRS,GSM technologies.Koz Cote d'lvoire M2M developer support information is also available at the website.M2M service platform is available through Orange Business services. M2M vertical markets focus for this carrier are Asset Management ,Telematics ,Telehealth ,Fleet Tracking ,Remote Monitoring ,Mobile Payment ,Security ,Public Safety. M2M data plans are available in Koz Cote d'lvoire website.

[1] - Subscriber number as of 2012.Please check the carrier website for up-to-date information

Keywords: Koz Cote d'lvoire M2M data plan, certification, pricing, Koz Cote d'lvoire machine to machine, Koz Cote d'lvoire M2M SIM ,Koz Cote d'lvoire M2M platform ,Koz Cote d'lvoire M2M API